To be Living. Not Alive
Very often people ask me why I blog. Why I have a web page. Why I want to share so many personal things about my family and myself over the net. Some even add "at this age" as a suffix to their queries! Some are agahst seeing photographs of me and my kids up for downloading-grabs at the fingertip. Especially on the heels of incessant reading about internet forgery, computer hacking, impersonation and abuse. For an answer, I can only offer a smile. At the end of the smile I mouth, "so far so good". Well, I cant say I havent ever been graced by the abuse-bug. But I dismiss it as a social abberation. I havent fared too bad with the net.
Internet provides instant gratification. There is nothing better than the www to get an immediate audience to your creativity. Of course you can be creative on any issue and generate an audience instantly. But for me, it has always been the trodden path.
When I go to work these days I can barely drive. I keep throwing quick glances at the everywhere but the road! Its spring, you see. Nature can drive you crazy. 2100E is a beautiful stretch of road that leads along for about a mile towards Foothill. Exactly in front stand the gray mountains shedding the last vestiges of snow while the slim stretch of road is hemmed on both sides by the most amazing kinds of trees. Wish I knew their names. But surely I have memorized their shapes. I watched them through winter in their bare bodies and I watch them now with equal attention as they clothe themselves everyday in the most baby-soft greens. Every tree in that stretch is a different one. Some stand tall with their hands raised literally to the heavens. Some have quaky, shivering, tiny leaves while others have strong, milky-white barks. Some are lean and flowery while some are gigantic mushrooms. Cherry blossoms in pinks and whites spill forth on both sides. And the riot of red and yellow tulips these days, makes me drive at 10miles with faces of gruff drivers on my rear view. Well, I cant just take my eyes off, so please be patient with me! The houses that sport these trees and flowers are clean, small and bright. I am reminded of my 8 year old visions of Enid Blyton. Gnomes and pixies, elves and toadstools--I just loved them. Always. Anything for some fairy dust in life.
And so if someone asks me today, why I disclose personal information on the net, I will say "Well you see, I've got to share these wonderful visions with you too".
I write for myself. I paint for myself. I sing for myself. But I'd like to believe I live for others.
Very often people ask me why I blog. Why I have a web page. Why I want to share so many personal things about my family and myself over the net. Some even add "at this age" as a suffix to their queries! Some are agahst seeing photographs of me and my kids up for downloading-grabs at the fingertip. Especially on the heels of incessant reading about internet forgery, computer hacking, impersonation and abuse. For an answer, I can only offer a smile. At the end of the smile I mouth, "so far so good". Well, I cant say I havent ever been graced by the abuse-bug. But I dismiss it as a social abberation. I havent fared too bad with the net.
Internet provides instant gratification. There is nothing better than the www to get an immediate audience to your creativity. Of course you can be creative on any issue and generate an audience instantly. But for me, it has always been the trodden path.
When I go to work these days I can barely drive. I keep throwing quick glances at the everywhere but the road! Its spring, you see. Nature can drive you crazy. 2100E is a beautiful stretch of road that leads along for about a mile towards Foothill. Exactly in front stand the gray mountains shedding the last vestiges of snow while the slim stretch of road is hemmed on both sides by the most amazing kinds of trees. Wish I knew their names. But surely I have memorized their shapes. I watched them through winter in their bare bodies and I watch them now with equal attention as they clothe themselves everyday in the most baby-soft greens. Every tree in that stretch is a different one. Some stand tall with their hands raised literally to the heavens. Some have quaky, shivering, tiny leaves while others have strong, milky-white barks. Some are lean and flowery while some are gigantic mushrooms. Cherry blossoms in pinks and whites spill forth on both sides. And the riot of red and yellow tulips these days, makes me drive at 10miles with faces of gruff drivers on my rear view. Well, I cant just take my eyes off, so please be patient with me! The houses that sport these trees and flowers are clean, small and bright. I am reminded of my 8 year old visions of Enid Blyton. Gnomes and pixies, elves and toadstools--I just loved them. Always. Anything for some fairy dust in life.
And so if someone asks me today, why I disclose personal information on the net, I will say "Well you see, I've got to share these wonderful visions with you too".
I write for myself. I paint for myself. I sing for myself. But I'd like to believe I live for others.
Here is some food for the eye:
The purple flowers are cherry blossoms:

This tree is a work of art:

I was too scared to get a close up of the tulips in case the owner turned up!

Thats the tree that has its hands extended to the heavens!
I am following the same van on 2100 E
A right turn at the junction ahead leads to my office. The mountains are stupendous!
More greens:
If you can spot FOOTHILL DRIVE in green ahead:
This road leads to 2100E. An eye catcher. Lovely view.
More springy colors:
One of my fav mushroom trees!
Thats the pretty drive to work everyday!
Hi julie, though you are much older than me, (i realised that after knowing about your daughters, though you dont look older) i keep calling you by your first name! somehow, i wanted to tell you this, is it alright? or do i add madam/ji at the end. I have not been able to interact much online with my exams around. anyway, i keep enjoying your writes and lovely pics here. By the way, since months i have been wanting to ask you to put up a pic of yours with the permed hair. ever since i read your "perming affair" article, i wanted to see the madhuri dixit in you. I did not know much of you then, but since we interacted on muse india, i made bold to ask you!!! smiles smiles...Apurva
Hi Julie
It seems that you are slowly but steadily falling in love with Utah. These photographs do manage to say that ...loud enough.
I hope you and Bong are doing well and enjoying your time.
Good luck and take care
Hi Geeta,
Always NICE to hear from you. Can hear your voice. Past month at an Indian function I sang "Gali mein aaj chand nikla"---there was only one face that I could remember. That was yours. Heard that song at Sarita Vihar for the 1st time at your house. It was usual Delhi hot, AC was on and we all were crammed in your bedroom. Bong was tasting some super sweet EtOH drink for the first time---cant remember the name. It makes me so nostalgic.
Have to begin to like where I live otherwise life can be hell! Plus is getting warmer now so my moods upbeat.
Much love
theres loads for me to catch up here, julie!
just commenting to say ur so pretty!!!!!!! and look so young! darn those ppl who said "at this age" to u
i promise to read all ur posts and comment sensibly.
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